Training on GIS in Monitoring and Evaluation
By using the GIS to link data from multiple programs the training will make it possible to understand the individual programs better but also better understand the relationship between the programs. Spatial analysis techniques will also help with deriving outcomes measures.
To achieve set objectives, the training will also explore the technical topic ofĀ Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)Ā methods that are used worldwide in many development projects and the application of technical tools of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for project monitoring and management.
Target Participants
This training on GIS in Monitoring and Evaluation is designed for professionals in projects/programs who want to apply GIS to improve their monitoring and evaluation systems.
Course Duration
OnlineĀ Ā 7 Days
Classroom-basedĀ Ā 5 Days
What you will learn
By the end of this training the participants will:
- Understand key concepts in M&E and GIS
- Learn about the working of M&E information management systems
- Learn how to collect data using mobile phones and GPS
- Learn how to integrate existing M&E data with GIS
- Learn how to analyze and visualize M&E data with the aid of GIS techniques
- Learn how to integrate GIS into M&E activities
Overview of Key M&E concepts
- Introduction to M&E
- Key components of M&E
- Challenges facing M&E Designing an M&E system
- Results chain and impact pathways
- M&E frame works
- Theory of change
Communicating M&E results
- Developing a GIS integrated communication system
- Why is communication important in GIS?
- Presentation of findings/results
New technologies being adopted in project M&E
- Mobile phones in M&E
- Participatory videos for M&E
- Supporting bottom-up learning
- Making real-time M&E a reality through ICT
- Examples of M&E systems incorporating GIS
Introduction to concepts of GIS and remote sensing
- GIS software
- GIS system installation and setup
- GIS Data sources and types
Spatial data collection techniques for project management
- Using GPS
- Using GPS utility software for managing and downloading and managing data
- Working with data from different sources
- Attributes manipulation in GIS
- Using Mobile Phones for GIS data collection
- Importing GPS data to Quantum GIS
Visualizing project data
- Understand map layers in GIS
- Composing a GIS layout from GIS layers
- Difference between a map and a layout
- Navigate maps
- Bringing tabular/spreadsheet data into a GIS (Excel, SPSS, Access etc)
- Connecting visual map features and tabular data
- Selecting subsets of map features from geo processing
- Finding map features
- Use data sorting records and labeling features to produce information
- Key elements of a map
- Composing a map
- Case study
GIS and GPS for M&E
- General Principles of Monitoring and Evaluation Systems
- Integrating M&E and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Deciding if M&E-GIS is Appropriate for specific projects
- Developing an M&E-GIS System for projects
- Creating Maps Supporting Monitoring and Evaluation Systems
- Selecting GIS Software
- Defining the Data Requirements and Key Indicators
- Defining the Data Collection Process
- Designing and Creating the Data Input Table
- Map making
- Creating the Thematic Map
Updating data in the M&E-GIS system
- Getting Periodic Reports from the Field
Preparing monitoring and evaluation reports /communicating results
- Preparing the Working Project Reporting Maps
- Case Study