Training on Mobile Data Collection using ODK
Advances in information technology have opened exciting new avenues for how research is conducted and data collected, with huge implications to monitoring and evaluation (M&E). One of these advances is the use of Mobile Data Collection (MDC). Instead of collecting data on paper using a pen, which is then manually entered into a database for analysis, data is input into a device which is then capable of exporting directly into a centralized database for processing and analysis.
Open Data Kit (ODK) is a suite of tools that allows data collection using Android mobile devices and data submission to an online server. Training on mobile data collection using ODK will equip the participants with skills to author, field and manage mobile data collection platform using ODK.
Target Participants
Training on mobile data collection using ODK is aimed at organizational staffs who are conducting field data collection activities.
Course Duration
OnlineĀ Ā Ā 7 Days
Classroom-basedĀ Ā Ā 5 Days
What you will learn
By the end of the training the participants will be able to:
- Create survey forms using Build or XLSForms
- Set up ODK Build, Collect and Aggregate
- Upload forms to an Aggregate server
- Load forms into Collect on an Android device
- Use ODK Collect to fill out forms with field participants
- Upload survey data from Collect to Aggregate
- Export and Analyse dataĀ from Aggregate
Introduction to Mobile Data Collection
- Introduction to mobile phone data collection
- Common mobile based data collection platforms
- Data aggregation, storage, and dissemination
- Understanding question types forming a questionnaire
Introduction to Open Data Kit (ODK)
- Components of Open Data Kit (ODK)
- ODK Form
- ODK Collect Application Interface
- ODK Aggregate
- ODK Manage
- ODK platforms and formats
Setting upĀ ODK Collect
- ODK Collect InstallationĀ from google play
- Manual installation of OK
- ODK Collect Menus, Settings and Security
- Best practices for ODK Collect
ODK Aggregate Server
- Setting up own aggregate server using Google App Engine
- Configuring ODK Aggregate Server
- Setting up local server
- Uploading the form to aggregate server
- Managing forms in Aggregate
- Working with submitted data in aggregate
- Administering aggregate
Designing and Creating forms using ODK Build
- Using ODK build
- Designing forms directly on:
- ODK Build
- Koboform builder
- PurcForms
- Uploading forms to aggregate
- Form properties
Designing andĀ Creating form using XLS form
- Introduction to XLSForm
- Components of XLSForm
- Question types
- Form Logic, styling, language
- Form operators and functions
- Constraints & Skips
- Form validation
- Uploading form to aggregate server
Using ODK Collect for field data collection
- Filling forms in ODK Collect
- Managing forms in ODK Collect
- Collecting different types of data
- Advanced use and best practices
- Submitting data to ODK aggregate
Data Management
- Exporting data from ODK Aggregate as CSV
- Downloading data in different formats
- Formatting data for further analysis using statistical applications
- Outputting data through Google spreadsheet
Visualizing Geographic Data
- Exporting GPS Coordinates to Google maps
- Exporting GPS data for Mapping/Visualizing
- Visualizing GIS data using QGIS